Beginners Agility

Beginners agility

Dog clears a low jump

Agility is an exciting way to have fun with your dog, improving handler and dog fitness, whilst strengthening the bond between dog and owner. No experience is necessary. Our foundation classes are suitable for both beginner dogs and handlers. As it is a group situation we ask that dogs in this class are over 11 months old and OK around other dogs.

We welcome all shapes and sizes of dogs and handlers at Bristol and Bath agility including those totally new to agility. All our agility training positive and reward based, force free training. We use toys and treats to motivate and train the dogs to complete the various obstacles. By registering using the link below you will be notified by email when our next block of beginners lessons is available to book. These are £48 per 4 week month

Online foundation course

A dog reluctant to start training

Whilst waiting to join our in person classes, or to start you and your dog off in the right direction so you can get the most out of classes we recommend you complete our online foundation course.

The online course takes you through the best way to reward your dog, how to get focus and starts you off on your handling foundations. No equipment is necessary and can be done at home and in your garden.


Your dog must be healthy as dog agility is physically demanding, especially for the dog.
We ask that dogs are at least 11 months old before joining our agility groups, it is not advisable to allow dogs under this age to complete any high impact activities as their growth plates may not have closed.
We do run special foundation classes for younger dogs and puppies, please ask us for further details if you are interested in this, although spaces are often limited
All types dogs are welcome at Bristol and Bath agility but if your dog is reactive 121 lessons may be more appropriate.
If you are looking to join our groups we ask that your dog has some recall (if you have difficulties with this they may need to remain on a long line, we can give you exercises to help your recall if required).


We welcome both adult and junior handlers. We are lucky to train in a level paddock in the summer and astro turf in the winter
We run a number of beginners agility groups at differing times please register your interest online to be notified of any spaces.

What to bring to your agility lesson

Most importantly, a sense of humour, dog are not machines and sometimes training doesn’t always go to plan, so please don’t let this worry you!
Please wear comfortable clothes and trainers. In the summer we train outdoors but we are lucky enough to have an indoor venue for winter, but please dress accordingly.
We ask that all dogs wear a flat collar, and preferably a harness for beginner dogs ( this can help with restraining the dogs in training).
Please bring plenty of treats or toys for your dog.

Where does this take place?

All our agility is based at Fern Farm near Marshfield ( between Bristol, Bath and Chippenham). In the summer our agility in a paddock enclosed by stock fencing. In the winter we have the use of a lovely barn.

What will you cover?

Although many dogs and handlers love agility – it is harder than it looks! You will start on foundations building you and your dogs understanding of the equipment but also how you, as the handler steer them around the course.
Your dogs will be introduced to low height jumps both on turns and in a straight line, your dog will lean how to negotiate the tunnel and will be introduced to low contact equipment.


Beginners agility is booked in monthly blocks. The cost is £12 per week payable in monthly blocks (non refundable) for a , payable at your time of booking. We have new beginners groups starting throughout the year and at varying times and dates so please contact us for further details. We are unable to offer refunds for unused or missed sessions in the month